"Charity cannot happen from an empty bowl"- Sri Sri

Weekly Knowledge New York City 02 Feb 2002 USA

Business and SpiritualityOften business is looked down upon by spiritualists and spirituality is put off as non-practical by businessmen. Spirituality is the heart, business is the legs, and that is what the ancient people conceived. An individual or a society is incomplete without both these aspects. Business brings material comfort and spirituality brings mental and emotional comfort. Spirituality brings ethics and fair practice to business. In the body/mind complex depriving any one comfort means depriving both the comforts.
You cannot talk spirituality to the poorest of the poor people without taking care of their basic needs. They need to be supported materially.
There is no spirituality in the world that is devoid of service and service cannot happen if material needs are ignored.
Service cannot happen only through the lips. For service to move you need legs. Every system has its flaws. As capitalism exploits the poor, socialism dampens individual creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. Spirituality is the bridge between socialism and capitalism. Spirituality gives the heart to serve to the capitalists and the spirit to innovate to the socialist.~Jai Gurudev


Michael L. Gooch, SPHR said...

I really enjoyed the way this article presents the case for spirituality (call it what you will) in the business world. The connection between spiritually and business success is obvious to those who want to scratch beneath the surface. In my new HR book, Wingtips with Spurs, the longest chapter in the book is devoted to the spirit and the successful career. It also covers the connectiveness of our actions and the important of spiritual wisdom. Michael L. Gooch, SPHR www.michaellgooch.com

Michael L. Gooch, SPHR said...

I really enjoyed the way this article presents the case for spirituality (call it what you will) in the business world. The connection between spiritually and business success is obvious to those who want to scratch beneath the surface. In my new HR book, Wingtips with Spurs, the longest chapter in the book is devoted to the spirit and the successful career. It also covers the connectiveness of our actions and the important of spiritual wisdom. Michael L. Gooch, SPHR www.michaellgooch.com

GauravNath said...

its so gladenning to see people come together in ONENESS and support basic human values through spirituality...because unlike religion, spirituality is a zero-conflict eco system for a ONE-WORLD FAMILY to incubate and grow...because today what the world needs is not "No violence", but "Yes, pro-peace",...and in Art Of Living , Sudarshan Kriya brings a dramatic change in an individual such that the individual is FOCUSSED AND RELAXED at same time...this looks like a tool for evolution towards a super mind that is settled in awareness-in-action and oneness towards all.
Infact when I see Michael and many others making sincere efforts towards a BALANCE, it in itself is an inspiration for many readers to "live a fuller , more meaningful life".

